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Grow Beyond Seed Potential
🥒 Heat tolerance.
🥒 For spring & summer
🥒 Excellent yield.
🥒 High fruit quality.
🥒 For spring to autumn
🥒 High adaptation to various
weather conditions.
🥒 For summer planting
(late summer, fall production). 🥒 Very adaptable variety.
🥒 Good heat tolerance.
🥒 Spring & Winter plantation.
🥒 Suitable for long seasons.
🥒 At early stages it needs cold
for good growth and
excellent yield. 🥒 High fruit quality.
🥒 Winter plantation.
🥒 Suitable for a long season. 🥒 Good recover ability.
🥒 Excellent yield. 🥒 High fruit quality.
🥒 Suitable for long winter
🥒 For Spring and early fall